“I once said that I wouldn’t ever make a good saleswoman but when I discovered that if I really believe in my product, then I am as good as the best. This IS the best designed deckchair on the market and you will only find it online or at local community markets. This keeps the chair top quality and affordable and allows for customer-specific sizing. Look after this product and you will get 15 – 20 years of absolute leisure-pleasure from this collection”.

Bev Smith – owner/designer of the BevsChairs collection.


Bev is no stranger to challenges or the concept of ‘adventure’ as it was her passion for the great outdoors that moulded and formed her, firstly as one of NZ’s few woman rockclimbers in the early 1980s and then as one of NZ’s pioneering paraglider pilots in the early 1990s. The latter culminating in Bev representing NZ as part of the NZ team at the World Paragliding Champs in Spain and the First World Air Games in Turkey in 1997. Both rockclimbing and paragliding led to Bev adventuring in some amazing places and with some great people throughout New Zealand, but also in Australia, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Europe and Africa.

Her passion became her career as she worked as an instructor of outdoor pursuits and then later running her own business and also as a manager in various outdoor centres in a career that spanned 26 years.

“Find a career you love and you’ll never have to work another day in your life”

So when spinal fusion surgery together with an emerging neurological condition led to Bev not being able to work for 8 months in 2013, she lived in the moment and concentrated on healing. In mid-October, 2013, her vibrant energy suddenly returned and she opened her eyes for opportunities to work again. A small advert in her local paper caught her eye: “Business Opportunity”… 

“When one door closes another one opens. It’s whether or not you choose to step through it”

…..so, she enquired. A local craftsman introduced Bev to the craft and assisted her in her first prototypes.

Now Bev’s father had been a carpenter and in his day, carpenters used to also make all their own cabinetry.
Inheritance of his genes or influenced by his example and skill, what was Bev to be afraid of? She had always had a little bit of an artistic bent inside her and was already handy at renovating and craft.
Bev had also spent 26 years of her working life motivating young people through her work in outdoor pursuits, She preached that you can do anything you believe in, but it takes work, it takes focus but in the end, you will get there.

So BevsChairs was born. You will now find BevsChairs in many North Auckland/Hibiscus Coast homes, on local and also round-the-world sailing yachts, in other NZ city/small town centres, in camper vans….

Word of mouth is spreading. 

“Never be afraid to give things a go. Sure, assess the risks but never be afraid to get out of your comfort zone or you may miss out on opportunities. Also that every day is precious”
Her adventurous background had also instilled in her that you can’t hide behind a mask. Outdoor pursuits brings out the real you, your fears, your joys, your strengths and your weaknesses. So, with that, she brings to this business her honesty, integrity, energy, skills and the love of bringing you the best product she can produce, at fair and affordable prices.


“It is a pleasure to be able to craft these beautiful chairs for you. Remember that deckchairs carry with them the concepts of leisure, pleasure and relaxation. Take time out for yourself and your family. Enjoy!” Bev Smith